Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Day 135: Grocery shopping with Zaria

I usually try to go grocery shopping in the late evening when I can go alone or while my mom is watching Zaria, but I've taken her a couple of times recently and she really enjoys it. She talked to several people and had older people stop and make funny faces at her. She was really a joy to take-- until I got to the check-out line and she started trying to stand up in the cart to say hello to the little boy in the cart nearby while I was about to pay. Yikes! I just had to tighten that seatbelt strap before going on.

Overall, I'd say I'll continue to bring her unless she becomes a nuisance asking for things once she learns to talk. Then I might go back to waiting until she (and Jamin in some cases) are asleep for the night.

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