Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 17: Zaria's 9 Month Check-up

Look who's excited to go see the doctor for a 9-month-old check-up. You're right, my mom looks more excited than Zaria. She is doing great. Weight 21 lb 8 oz, length 28", head 17.5". She didn't have to get any shots today, which is nice. I watched Oprah yesterday about some high-profile moms who have kids with autism that they think may be linked to the MMR shot, so now of course I'm paranoid. I still have time to do research since she doesn't need to get the MMR shot until 12 or 15 months.

Our new computer arrived today, it's for me to use for work. Below is Zaria enjoying her part of the computer-- the box it came in. (=

1 comment:

Chloe @ A Creative Call said...

Hey Sara,
Cool idea for a blog. It will be fun to see what you come up with over the days. I'm also glad to see that you guys are loving Fuzzi Bunz. We do to! Asher was in and out of the smalls in no time but he seems to be set to wear out the mediums.

In regards to vaccinations, there are many reasons to contemplate whether or not to give your children vaccines beyond the autism debate. I have written a bunch of stuff on a blog: if you are interested and there are resources of books, etc. listed too. There is a lot of information out there representing both sides of the debate and in the end you will have to make the choice that you feel most comfortable with based on your research. I am glad that you are willing to look into it.