Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 15: Laundry and snot

This adorable nose produced a lot of snot today. But that didn't stop her from having fun riding a hippo.
Laundry is happening a lot more often now that we have cloth diapers. I'm really enjoying the Fuzzi Bunz, but again, lots of laundry. I'm starting to figure out a better system for taking care of poopy ones. Oh Zaria, please don't grow out of this size for a while!


Christal and Craig said...

Do you have liners for the diapers? I used to use Gerber EZ liners (they don't make them anymore), but now am using Imse Vimse disposable liners. They are great for poop..just pick up and toss in the toilet (I usually throw mine in the trash if I can shake out the poop). Just a hint.

Christine said...

I use the Bummis flushable liners. but I've seen some other kind at BRU in Maple Grove. The Bummis ones can be found at Pea Pods in st. paul! I just love cloth diapers - they are so much fun!