Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day 51: Blessings from "Auntie Jen"

I mentioned last week (or recently) at Mother's Fellowship that I was in need of some 12-18 month girl clothes. I took a photo so I could remember which clothes I got from Jen-- she handed me quite a stack, and may need them back if they have another girl, so I wanted to keep track. What a great blessing!

We were sharing in our Mother's Fellowship group how we became friends and the strange circumstances of us knowing each other's husbands before we had met them. We realized that was also true for Nikki, Jen's sister-in-law, who is also in our mothers group. Both their husbands went to Bethel, my alma mater, and Jamin went to the U of M Twin Cities where Nikki and Jen went. I met Jen at the U of M's Campus Ambassadors group, which I believe no longer exists. I came with Jamin, and that week they had decided we should all pick accountability partners. Jen and I were the only females, so we ended up together and hit it off really well. We've been accountability partners now for about 8 years, I think. It was a little harder while I lived in Portland and we had to just talk over the phone, but we always kept in touch, and our friendship has been an incredible blessing over the years.

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