Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 165: FNG Valentines Exchange

It was our annual FNG Valentines exchange tonight! There are some amazing pieces of art that group members have as their Valentines receptacles, as Joel is displaying in this photo. Joe had a new camera and had a lot of fun getting photos of everyone, including baby Elizabeth (with her parents Simon and Michelle) who came to meet everyone at just a few weeks old. This is the fourth annual Valentines exchange for the FNG. Both Joe and Krista still had their old Valentines in their boxes and enjoyed the history.

Jamin and I had Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Valentines that I found on sale after V-day last year. They were kinda dumb so next year maybe I'll find some better ones. Some Ninja Turtles' Valentines quotes: "You'da mutant on Valentine's Day," "It's so easy being green on Valentine's Day," and "Don't shred it! Have an awesome Valentine's Day." See, I told you they were kinda dumb. Still fun though. If you want one, please comment and let me know, they will be yours.

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