Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 164: My walking Valentine

Zaria is walking on her own now, but still prefers having things to hold on to. I tried to find her the most Valentinesey outfit for today that I could, but Jamin and I did go out without her this evening. We didn't have small group tonight in lieu of Valentine's day dating opportunities.

So Jamin and I went to a movie at the cheap theater and talked about it over coffee at Barnes and Noble. We saw "The Golden Compass," which was fun and fantastic, though we didn't think it compared to Lewis' Narnia series, at least not in plot. I had gotten an e-mail warning about how evil The Golden Compass was because of the author wanting to make it into an anti-Christian allegory or anti-Narnia competitor. I also read an article by a Christian who thought it wasn't so anti-Christian after all, despite the author's intentions. So it ended up being good fodder for conversation and we had a nice Valentine's day.

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