Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 260: Little talkin mama

She loves babies and loves phones -- I guess she's a born multi-tasker. Her typical conversation on the phone:
"Hello. Ahhhhhhh. (Insert other random noises) Bye."
If she's talking to Grandma Joy on the phone, she'll ask about Boo Boo (the nickname for their dog).
We met with our real estate agent this evening, took another look at one of the houses we saw last Friday, and have officially put out an offer! It is bank-owned and already had one offer, so now I'm hoping that we'll hear back sooner than later whether or not they'll accept our offer so we can keep looking if we need to. We walked around the neighborhood over the weekend and really liked what we saw. I could imagine pulling the wagon train around by this place. (=
Happy birthday to Dawn today!

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