Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 254: Slippers

Incredibly, Zaria kept her slippers on this evening. She usually has them off after a couple of room crossings. So I put my slippers on and we did some slipper dancing, turning in circles and waving our hands.

I also had an OB appointment today, and X and Y are doing great. In 3 weeks, I have my level II ultrasound, which will be a good time to determine the sex of each baby. But the doctor asked if I wanted to find out today, and I was up for it since the big MOMs garage sale is this weekend. So . . . it looks like one of them is a boy! I'm not sure if it was X or Y, though I think it was Y (I'll call him that since it matches his chromosome, not to confuse the other one if X is also a boy). We're still not sure on X, because X was a little more shy . . . it's likely X is a girl, but we'll make a better determination in three weeks.

1 comment:

PAT said...

Wow! thats cool! and yet still....mysterious.