Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day 60: Dinner in Chicago

My mom, Zaria and I piled into the car today to go visit my sister and her family in Michigan. We took this journey last February and visited my friend Anne (pictured above), but this time she was in a new place and had a roommate and a residency student living with her. It was a very cute place, and we enjoyed getting to know her temporary resident, Natalie (in the background). We came a bit early, but were fortunate enough to have Natalie be home when we arrived, so she let us in and welcomed us while we waited for Anne to get home. Anne's been working as a regular physician's assistant for just over a year or two now in Chicago, at one of the clinics where she did a residency training.

I've known Anne since junior high, and the fact that we're still friends after living through those years is a true blessing from God. Anne also knows my sister Renee and her husband and has even seen the house that we're on the way to see in Michigan.

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