Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 330: Playing outside

I have trouble remembering plant names, but these guys have gone crazy this year. I should probably cut them back a little. Zaria has been nervous walking past them because there's been a very busy bumblebee that is a constant presence in these flowers. We had fun playing outside a little this evening. It had been too hot for me to be out earlier at 85 degrees. I've been so lucky that it's been a relatively cool summer.


Emily said...

They are hostas. I hope this hot weather week goes by quickly for you. Do you have a kiddie pool???

SaraCate and Jamin said...

Ah, hostas. I knew that but the name was eluding me.

I gave my kiddie pool to my mom-- there's not a very good space at our place to put it, so we just use a sprinkler.