Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 224: Another visit

Since I forgot my camera at their place, I had a chance to visit Shawna and Phil again. They're sitting at the table while their cat Galadriel is winking at me. They also have a Merry and a Pippin in their feline-filled household. I met them at their place after work and they offered to buy me something Greek since they were picking up gyros . . . I just went for some french fries and had a protein shake for the ride.

I didn't know if I'd have much time to eat since I also had my first MOMs meeting (mothers of multiples). I ended up going a little late so I could scarf down some cornbread Jamin made to go with some chicken cacciatore. It was encouraging to see in the "pregnant group" a mom at 35 weeks and another at 38. How they got around was a bit of a mystery, but it was encouraging to see they were able to get around. I've been reading too much about pre-term labor and bed rest for MOMs, I guess.

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